Human Resource Management

Shrm:SR Certified Professional
Sep 10 - Dec 03
T6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Building: TBA, Room: TBA
HRPO_2030_29 - Lynn Tushup
There are currently 20 out of 20 spots remaining.
This course is designed for senior-level HR professionals who operate primarily in strategic roles - developing policies and strategies, overseeing the executing of HR operations, analyzing performance metrics, and/or contributing to the alignment of HR strategies to organizational goals. All materials will be provided for this course.
Shrm: Certified Professional
Sep 10 - Dec 03
T6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Building: TBA, Room: TBA
HRPO_2030_30 - Lynn Tushup
There are currently 19 out of 20 spots remaining.
Join instructor Lynn Tushup in this course which is designed for HR professionals who are engaged primarily in operational roles - implementing policies, serving as the HR point of contact for staff and stakeholders, and/or performing day to day HR functions. All materials will be provided for this course.